Beautiful West Lake

Hangzhou, China is one of the most beautiful cities I have seen in our adventures around the world. Tree lined streets, pedestrian-only shopping streets, wide bike lanes completely separated from car traffic, and West Lake, beautiful, beautiful West Lake.

West Lake is absolutely gorgeous. It is a huge lake surrounded by traditional Chinese gardens with weeping willows, peach and pear blossoms, lotus pools, and serene forests and springs. David and I walked and biked along West Lake. It is a peaceful, beautiful place with many quiet nooks despite all the tourists that are attracted there.

For more pictures of Hangzhou, click here!

West Lake is the primary site to see in Hangzhou, but the city itself is also very lovely. I mentioned above the bike lanes. Hangzhou is one of the absolute most bike friendly places I have been. I didn’t get any pictures, but the bike lanes were fantastic. They are completely separate from car traffic, often separated by a median of trees, so you feel perfectly safe while you are riding. And because these bike medians are planted with trees you are often riding under a wonderful shaded canopy of trees.

We spent a lovely long weekend in Hangzhou, biking and walking around the city. Yes, I did get food poisoning too, as David mentioned in his post. But that only slowed us down for a day or two. We spent the rest of our time soaking in the beauty of Hangzhou in spring time.


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